Reverse Solutions Joins Green Business Bureau
In a continuing effort to make a positive environmental impact, Reverse Solutions has joined the Green Business Bureau. With so many corporations irresponsibly wasting resources and dumping contaminants into our air and water supply, you can feel good about working with Reverse Solutions.
"Being good to the planet is also good for our customers." claims Reverse Solutions President Isaac Shweky. "By reusing and recycling products instead of just disposing of them, we can reduce costs and increase revenues. Being green means we can offer higher returns to our customers. Everybody wins."
"I'm proud to be part of a forward looking company." said Vice President Joe Pucci. "By working with the environment instead of against it, we are building a long term sustainable business model. We have found a recipe for success - not only for us, but for our children as well."
Headquartered in Southington, Connecticut, Reverse Solutions is a full service reverse logistics provider.